Sustainability and hospitality: A journey we must all embark on
The importance of talking and acting sustainably in the hospitality industry is not just chit-chat anymore – the time to embrace sustainability practices is now! Today, travelers are actively seeking sustainable options, and companies have recognized the need and opportunity to integrate sustainability into their core operations.
There are different ways to become more sustainable as a hotel or a hostel.
Some steps are easy, fast, and straightforward, but yet impactful:
- Partner up with local suppliers for food, beverages, gifts and souvenirs
- Use LED lights and light sensors in rooms
- Install water-efficient shower heads and sinks to minimize water waste
- Opt for eco-friendly, organic, local, and vegan toiletry and personal care products
- Offer guests reusable and recyclable items such as water bottles, cutlery, cups
- Provide information about drinkable tap water in Switzerland and indicate where refillable water stations, sinks, and fountains are
- Install recycling bins and educate guests on their use
- Support local craftsmanship and artists by showcasing their work
Sustainable Hotel Management
Looking a bit deeper at the operational side, there are a few more things to consider and these are also the things that will make a difference in the long term. In order to do that properly, you will need to invest time and resources, but it’s going to be worth it.

The first step is to conduct a sustainability analysis to assess your current situation and identify areas for improvement. Evaluate operations, products, machinery, transportations, suppliers, and buildings. To help in this process, there are a few free tools and resources provided by recognised organisations that are worth checking out. Once you have gathered sufficient data and set goals, prioritise and plan your next steps, while regularly measuring progress to ensure continuous improvement.
Check out sustainability tools
Sustainable Hotel Alliance – Hotel Carbon Measurement Initiative
Normative – Business Carbon Calculator
GST Council – GSTC Criteria for Hotels
Share your journey!
Transparent communication is key to inspiring travellers and industry partners. Share tips on sustainable travel, explain why staying with you is a sustainable choice, and ensure clear and concise communication.
When engaging with B2B partners, be open about your sustainability journey. Seek inspiration from others, foster networks and connections, and celebrate milestones, no matter how small!
The road to sustainability is a journey we must all embark on – better sooner rather than later. There are many aspects to it and all dimensions must be considered! Don’t hesitate to connect and collaborate with others. It’s not a competition; instead, let’s inspire and support one another. On our side, we are eager to connect and be inspired by your efforts and journey.

capsule services AG
Hirschengraben 40
6003 Luzern
+41 77 526 3375